Under certain limited circumstances, portions of Sally Kate Winter Park, Veterans Park, Legion Park, and the Kitty Dill Memorial Parkway may be used for private functions. All such activities require PRIOR approval at least a month in advance. Contact the City Hall for more information.
Archives: FAQs
Where can I get additional trash and garbage bags?
City approved plastic garbage bags and trash bags are available for purchase at City Hall during normal business hours.
Can I obtain copies of maps and other large documents?
Some documents, such as maps, bound volumes, etc, are too large to be copied by the City Hall staff. However, any public document can be copied upon special request and payment of applicable copying fees.
How can I get copies of other public documents?
All public documents of the City of West Point are available for review at City Hall during normal working hours. Original copies of public documents may not be removed from City Hall for any purpose. Any public document may be copied upon written request and payment of a nominal copying charge.
How can I get a copy of the minutes of Board meetings?
A summary copy of the Board proceedings is published each month on this website. Paper copies may be requested by calling City Hall at 662-494-2573 during normal business hours. There is a nominal copying charge.
What is the procedure if I want to appear before the Board?
A Public Appearance Request Form must be turned in 5 working days before the meeting. A copy is available here.
Are City Board meetings open to the public?
Yes, all meetings of the Board of Mayor and Selectmen are open to the public.
When does the Board of Mayor and Selectmen meet?
The regular monthly meeting of the Board is the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 P.M.
What if I disagree with the value that is set on my property?
The Clay County Board of Supervisors holds a public hearing each year prior to approving the assessment roll.
How does the City determine the value of my property?
The property tax roll is prepared by the Clay County Tax Assessor, then reviewed and approved by the Clay County Board of Supervisors. After approval, the roll is provided to the City.